As our culture becomes more and more visual, brand communication is relying more heavily on video like never before. And while 24 frames per second video seems like the default choice, non-live action content can provide a more versatile, cost-effective and creative alternative to traditional video methods.
From simple slides to complex animation, here are four ways to create engaging videos frame-by-frame.
1. Photo Slideshow

Photo slideshows are the easiest way to create video content in a pinch, though they can be elevated with custom photography or motion graphics.
Whether they’re simple compilations of existing assets to jump on a timely trend or a collection of stills from a photo shoot, slideshows are quick to put together and don’t require a lot of technical know-how.
2. Photo Timelapse

While slideshows are easy to make, they can be boring and lack a dynamic quality. Photo timelapses rival the slideshow in ease of production, yet enable you to create videos that are greater than the sum of their frames.
Time lapses are great for elevating what would otherwise be photography, without the need for complex animation chops or human talent.
Create Your Video: An illustrious video production company and creative powerhouse, theVideocompany is dedicated to catalysing your brand's growth and impact. With more than 17+ years of content marketing experience, we've worked within loads of different sectors, both B2B & B2C. Our clients include Singapore Airlines, Netflix, Unilever, Epson, Ritz Carlton, LesMills and more.
We don’t just make videos; we craft stories that breathe life into your brand, forging an indelible connection with your audience, and propelling you not just to succeed, but potentially reshape the world. Our video campaigns aren’t mere visuals; they’re symphonies of inspiration that call for action.
Feel free to drop us an email your ideas, objective and budget you have in mind. We talk over coffee :) Email us at
3. Pixilation

Pixilation is a little-known animation term that you’ve probably seen exhibited in many different forms commercially. It’s traditionally defined as the manipulation of human talent as you would with characters in an animation, however, it can be applied to any use of real-life actors in a moving photo.
Pixilation is a great alternative to live action because you can create a real-life situation with much greater control over pacing and performance in post-production. While animation abilities aren’t needed to create a pixilation, they can really help create smoother, more believable motion.
4. Stop-Motion

Stop-motion animation is an incredibly fun and versatile medium for making short-form commercial content without the need for human talent. While the option is filled with possibility, it does require some basic animation knowledge to pull off. Stop-motion is a great medium for giving life to products or seasonal decorations.
Photo-based video is a great way to bring more control and artistry to branded multimedia content. There’s no norm, and the range of scope for projects is immense. If it’s relevant to a brand, it can be an incredible tool.
Source: SocialMediaToday
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