Did You Found Us On Google?
Few months ago, we saw our website page ranked from 5th to 2nd page for most of the keyword search, and now we've progressed to page 1 in ranking for most keywords. No, this is not magic! This is the result of our digital marketing and SEO efforts to bring in more traffic, leads and sales to the business. These are free traffic on google which we build for our own website and Singapore clients who wants to be searchable and bring in organic traffic.
So what do we do exactly? It comprises of the entire sales funnel from online presence to ranking to traffic to leads to sales. We aim to make it as seamless as it must be for the consumer. We will analyze your business, brand, and industry to understand your potential marketplace. Then we will look at your company assets like your existing sales flow, marketing, brand value, social media and most importantly your website before we draft out your marketing plan. Surely, content marketing will be the main driver in bringing traffic to your business. so we will design for you a great copy, website improvements, on-page-optimization, landing pages for different products and campaigns, a brand story video; blasting out facebook marketing, email marketing, more backlinks and digital PR for quality traffic.
So how long it takes before you see your first lead? You probably are able to get it in a week or two, but effectively 3 to 6 months for you to see the results. You may think this is slow, but bear in mind that this is not just normal, but this is the proven method to be optimized in search engine. Be slow, be steady! Be careful if anyone were to promise high traffic in short period, those are dodgy agency on fast-cash, they gave you high traffic but irrelevant ones, fast and got fired! In the end, you'll have no sales and worst, google algorithm will detect and penalize your website for such activities. Today, it's about creating your digital public relation contents to pull relevant traffic, and we're the man to do it for you.
In contrary, if you're dependent on paid traffic such as facebook ad, google ad - it's definitely fast for short term, but in a long run, most brands prefer to work on these organic traffic as it brings quality traffic (they really search for you), hence, high return of investment (ROI). Brands or even us, may still run paid ads for specific campaigns on short term boost, ad-hoc basis, but SEO and content marketing efforts are endless, to be ahead of your consumers. If you've read this far, it's about time you meet us to discuss on your digital marketing plans. Let us know soon, we can only service 2 clients every month - coz our focus are still on video production (where you found us).
Source: M.Shah, Founder of TheVideoCompany.sg